Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Classroom Blogs

Classroom blogging seems like a great idea!  I would use a blog in my classroom to keep parents up to date on weekly activities, what the students are learning and big events that are coming up.  Blogging would also be handy to post pictures of students in the classroom and on field trips, etc.  Especially if a parents has to miss those special events!  I hope to use blogging as a future teacher!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

First Blog

This is definitely a first for me!  Blogging!  When I read "Julie & Julia" I thought it would be something that could be very interesting.  But I didn't know it could be this easy!

Grades I'm interested in teaching:
At the moment Kindergarten - second.  But that could always change once I get into student teaching :)

My subject area(s) interest:
I think that when teaching elementary aged kids all the subject areas will be a lot of fun!  Because their enthusiasm for learning new things will be something that I enjoy seeing!

Why I want to be a teacher:
I have always loved working with kids.  Their excitement for learning and coming to class is what I love to see.  I love how I could possibly make a positive impact in a child's life.